Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Vatican/Michelangelo - AHB

Michelangelo's last judgment works as a pretty ridiculous altar piece. I can't imagine paying attention to a priest when he is standing in front of that thing. One thing that really strikes me about the painting is the sharp contrasts. This makes sense considering the subject matter, but there is layer upon layer of images and symbols that are profound and moving.

I love that Christ is placed in the center; he is the focal point in a vortex of action. His placid face is a complete counterpoint from the chaos in the rest of the scene. There is no trace of regret about what must be done, he knows the plan and is perfectly ready to follow it through. Many of the other faces are looking to him with terror-stricken expressions, but he looks completely in control, showing Jesus' divinity as well as any painting in history.

I think it is really amazing that Michelangelo combined Christian symbolism with Greek mythology. The whole scene is the bottom right corner is fascinating. Charon is driving the condemned into the arms of their eternal tormentors, who seem beside themselves with joy over their prey - the last hurrah. I also like the scenes of people being dragged down to hell. The famous image of the man who is being pulled down by the legs speaks volumes. His face bears the consequential weight of his decisions on the earth, and he know understands that he is facing down an eternity of suffering. I would be covering both of my eyes.

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