Sunday, January 11, 2009

St. Cyril and St Methodius

St. Cyril and St Methodius
Lauren Brooks
On Saturday I visited an amazing church in Prague. This church has witnessed the occupation of 2 different countries and still stands today. The paratroopers who assassinated Rienhart Heidrich hid out in this church crypt until they finally committed suicide rather than be taken by the Germans. These five men faced over 800 German troops and multiple attempts to be captured and were national heroes in the face of the Germans. Unfortunately, with the death of such an important man in Hitler’s regime retaliation was necessary and the town of Lidice was flattened to the ground. I find it so hard to believe of all the sacred places in Europe that were destroyed in the name of War. I think it’s so poignant that the troops sought refugee in a church. I mean that is what the actual building of a church is supposed to be; a place where people come when they need help, guidance, and support. It’s hard to see so many of these historically rich buildings, pieces of art, and so much more that was destroyed because of hate and violence.
I am so amazed everyday at the amount of history that the Czech Republic is involved with and America has no idea! It doesn’t seem fair that many times America was so close to being able to help and unfortunately the Russians came and ruined everything. Learning all of this new information has made me want to continue being informed with European issues and even begin to look into different political, social, and economic news.

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