Sunday, September 14, 2008

Elise: Faces of Jesus

Elise Sjogren
Faces of Jesus Film

Some of the religions art shown in the Faces of Jesus film was beautiful. Some of it was even moving with its aesthetic appeal and display of craftsmanship. When the documentary showed one of the ornate cathedrals, however, I wondered if this is what God intended. I consider the time, money, and effort that went into creating these richly decorated buildings, and wonder if the time, money, and effort of those professing to follow Christ could have been spent more wisely. Would not God rather his followers use such things to help the poor and widows and maintain justice? 

The message of Christ was not concerned with material things, and even his apostles didn't focus their letters or lives on anything physically concrete. I feel like we, as flawed people, have created a materialistic side of the religion because we are so concerned with material things, but that is wasn't originally there. I'm then led to wonder if this evolution of the religion is a natural change that God is okay with, or if it is contrary to His perfect will. How much glory does He receive from elaborate buildings, or gold plated larger-than-life statues? I realize that some people are led into spiritual experiences from the architecture of the cathedral, or the religions icons, but I guess I think a better balance needs to be found. 

The early church didn't possess buildings or artwork, and yet flourished because those in the religion genuinely loved one another and took care of each other. I think the materialistic drive of the later years has proved more detrimental than beneficial to the religion, as it has taken a lot of the focus away from the teachings of Christ. I realize that because I was not raised Roman Catholic nor Orthodox I have a different perspective on religious art and icons than many Christians, and I am looking forward to better understanding what they can mean to people, but in general I am still struggling with the value of using such resources for these purposes. 

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