Friday, December 4, 2009

kelsey -architecture and cash registers

A couple posts ago I talked about the cool architecture of the Japanese gates and the French church, and I wanted o revsit the idea of architecture again as a whole. I had mentioned that I normally dont see architecture as a means of seeing or Experiencing God, but i realized that this definitely changed when I went to Europe. When I was in Europe, the architecture seemed so intricate and beautiful I could get a better glimpse of how it was an art form that portrayed God. When I was in Italy, I actually started to enjoy looking at buildings and seeing how beautiful they were. Architecture has gone down hill I think because I feel that it, at least where I live, has just become something that serves a functional purpose and lacks any inspiration. I was just talking to my friend the other day about a similar instance, but about a cash register. It might sound insignificance, but in a commercial for a movie based in a Victorian time period, there was a cash register pictured that was very ornate and beautiful. A lot of artifacts from that time or previous times in general very ornate and beautiful even just brushes or letter openers. But today, like with buildings we just make things for a use and don't want to spend the time or money on or even care on making them look good too. Why cant everything be a piece of art that conveys the beauty and presence of God? Instead its all cheap ad convenient with a complete lack of concern for its aesthetic quality.

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