Friday, December 4, 2009

kelsey - gods love

When I make something , for instance a vase in my glass blowing class, I have a special connection with my creation that I reminds me of the relationship we have with God. While the relationship is not interactive there are still many similarities. I for instance, know the effort, every move, and action taken in the proess of forming the product. This gives me an attachment to the piece because Not only do I know everything about it, but to me its not just blue, its royal blue with a mix of white specks, and its not just round I know that there is a small lump on the bottom left side. I feel in the same way god knows us inside and out, he know every minute detail as well the things we have been though and how we were made down to the smallest detail. No one else in the world know us like he does just in the same way no one else in the world knows my glass creations like I do and no one can appreciate and love them the way I do either.

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