Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sacred Art exsperinced in Nature

To experience True Sacred Art one only needs to be receptive to the sentient life of plants and see that the Earth Goddess paints the world with the best paint brushes and uses only the best paints. Walking in a forest and knowing that not any one tree is the same as another. Each tree has its own identity, it is alive and aware of the world surrounding it. When you pass the tree by it feels your presence, your life essence and it cares for your life essence just as any Mother would HER oWn ChilD.

Sun sets over the River near the Lions Bridge will be something that i shall truly miss baring witness to. The vast array of colors and cloud formations creating a psychedelic spectacle in the sky. Memories of hanging our heads over the edge of the cliff upside down so we could still see the beauty of the Divine, and while laying there not but a few feet above our heads a Magnificent Great Blue Heron glides over head. Walks on the Noland Trail down subtly hidden paths promising adventure and freedom from the stresses of the world have always been my eye opener to the Sacred Web of the World which i am only a small strand of

With the end of college now an after thought instead of a future dream new paths shall open before me

If only i was a Tree,

Simply Peace and Serenity


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