Saturday, December 6, 2008


Garrett Lambur
The past week in Kabat’s class was spent listening to presentations upon different periods within art. During the presentations I was more attentive to the architecture details within each period with a desire to increase my ability to recognize the different styles. I have to say that after the presentations my ability to recognize a specific type of architecture went up. Though I still have trouble looking at a building and stating the period it is from because I begin to put different aspects of the building into different periods and form a sort of super period for that building. It’s neo-baroque-renaissance-classical. Yeah, doesn’t exactly make sense. But my appreciation of architecture has greatly changed. I used to look at a building based solely on whether I liked the style or not. I still do this to some degree but I know look to see what style it was built in, then based on this my appreciation changes because I have different levels of appreciation for the different styles of architecture. Similarly, they are no longer just buildings but have become to me in some sense works of art. No amount of learning about different styles of architecture will change my perspective that a building is a building, but it can change my appreciation of said building. I recognize more that each building had an architect that attempted to put a little of himself into that building. Art can be any expression of a human’s personal preference. This means though that that personal expression may not appeal to every human being around the world but just because someone does not like a piece of art that does not make it art. It is strange to me that learning about architecture would change my overall respect for different forms of art but perhaps all it took was looking at a different form of art to appreciate all art.

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