Saturday, December 6, 2008


Garrett Lambur
Churches are some of the most amazing expressions of religion in art. A church is not only a place of worship but it is an expression of art. Each is done in its own style and sometimes in multiple styles. On this trip we have seen many different forms of churches. A great majority of these have been in the gothic style though we have seen others on this trip. One of my favorite churches that I have seen on this church was St. Stephens in Vienna. The roof was covered in beautiful titles that created an image on the roof of the church. The inside was incredible; the ceiling was high reaching and the cathedral long. It was an ultimate form of art in appreciation of God. What can make all churches a even more impressive form of art is that each had a designer, or multiple designers that were willing to spend decades or in some cases ensuring it was built to their specific wants. Yes it is true that they were being paid for the production of the church but it takes incredible dedication if you realize that you may never see the completion of your works. I myself would be quite disappointed if I attempted to take on a project that I would never see the completion of. Yet these architects gladly took on the project of building such a work of art with it being very likely never to see the end of the artwork. Though some may call the churches gaudy and a waste of money that could have been spent else where, I feel they could be one of the best examples of artwork done in a religious manner. There was a book a read last year that was based entirely around the building of a church in the medieval period. It was fictional but the author had gone to extensive lengths to research how churches were built during this time period. The reading of that book combined with seeing many beautiful churches over here I have gained a new appreciation for the building of churches, the churches themselves, and the art of the churches.

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