Monday, December 8, 2008

Temple of Poseidon

The Greek’s principle Temple of Poseidon was located in the beautiful Sounjun region of southern Greece. The temple site was on a hill that jutted into the water, and the actual temple was located on top of the hill, surrounded on three sides by the Aegean Sea.

After we walked around the historic ruins for a while and enjoyed the amazing sea breeze, Dr. Redick asked us to reflect on the site and our experience. As I sat on a large, smooth rock and thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful breeze, the waves on the rocks below, and the blue sea, I realized that the location was perfect for a temple to a god of the sea.

I suppose in retrospect, it makes perfect sense to have a temple to the god of the water surrounded by the sea, but I didn’t make the connection at the beginning. I think the location would have been especially powerful when there was a storm raging. The location of the temple near the sea probably reminded the worshippers of Poseidon’s power and caused them to have more reverent fear. I can only imagine how incredible it would have been to be so tangibly confronted with the power of the god you came to worship and offer sacrifices to. The location was a constant reminder of the thing (ocean, sea, water) the people had no power over, but that their god was supposed to control.

It made me think about the location of our churches, and wish they could be in the middle of incredible landscapes that inspired worship of the true creator, omnipotent God.


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